Sega CD

Lunar: The Silver Star

Lunar Sega CD Reproduction

The hero of Lunar: The Silver Star is Alex, a young boy whose ideal is the great warrior of the past, Dragonmaster Dyne. But in order to become a Dragonmaster, Alex has to find the four great dragons who will grant him the permission. The girl Luna, with whom Alex is in love, accompanies him on his journey. But soon the young people discover that something, or someone, is trying to change the face of the world by resurrecting the ancient goddess Althena, with Luna being a key element in the plan.

Lunar: The Silver Star is a traditional Japanese-style RPG with turn-based battles. The characters in your party have distinct class attributes (fighter, priest, magic user, etc.). It is possible to move the characters over the battle field, which can sometimes prove strategically important (for example, spreading the characters to avoid being hit by an area spell).

Lunar is the defining JRPG for the Sega CD and one of the system’s best sellers of all time, one could say it was the answer to the Final Fantasy series on the SNES at the time. Take the 16-bit JRPG format of the time, mix in anime style cutscenes, a CD Redbook audio quality soundtrack plus a cast of memorable characters and you have yourself a winner.

  • “Picture disc” style Original Soundtrack CD feat. JP artwork
  • DVD insert with original JP promo artwork

$24.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup)
$14.95 ea. replacement case (art & case)
$34.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup) S&H incl. to Canada

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