Sega CD

Panic! [Switch]

Panic! Sega CD Reproduction

A virus has infected the world’s computer network, which effects all electronic devices on the earth. However, a special program called “Panic!” is designed to counter the effects of the virus and restore the network back to working order. You play Slap the Boy and his sidekick, Stick the Dog (they’re not actions, it’s their names) who set out to restore the network back to working order.

This is not a conventional video game; it’s more like an interactive movie/cartoon in which you press certain buttons to advance the plot, or make different stuff happen.

This “game” is hilarious, full of comedic moments and deserves to be experienced by any Sega CD owner for the sheer wackiness alone. Not to mention the fact this was even approved for release in the states is amazing. Also known as “Switch” in Japan.

  • “Picture disc” style Original Soundtrack CD feat. JP artwork
  • DVD insert with original JP artwork

$24.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup)
$14.95 ea. replacement case (art & case)
$34.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup) S&H incl. to Canada

For combined shipping to Canada and all other international orders please use contact page.