TurboGrafx CD

Vasteel (US game, JP style art)

Vasteel TurboGrafx-CD Reproduction

Belose is the name of the planet that rules the Vasteel Solar System. For hundreds of years, the Faracia family has ruled as planet’s emperors. The latest emperor, however, turned out to be fairly unpopular with the populace, and they started debating altering the structure of governance. The emperor suddenly falls seriously ill and passes away shortly after. Faliall, his eldest son, is declared the heir. Stefan, Faliall’s younger brother, is open to change since he respects the needs of common people. Consequently, the brutal conflict between the two brothers over dominance and justice starts.

In essence, Vasteel is a hex-based battle strategy game. The story mode leads the player through a variety of top-down levels where Stefan’s or Faliall’s forces will attempt to destroy one another, progress to a better position, conquer enemy cities, etc. Additionally, there is a vs mode that offers two-player gaming and full access to every map, regardless of the story.

The two princes’ armies are totally robotic; even the spaceships, artillery, and tanks have “transformer” robot shapes. Both armies have factories that may build additional robots, sometimes multiple times every turn; however, each such creation requires money, which is scarce. Turn-based navigation of the robots throughout the map is done by the player. When two robots are on the same grid, fighting breaks out.

Vasteel’s combat are interactive and action-based, in contrast to other games of this type. The participants have to maneuver their robots rapidly while firing at one another. The defense side utilizes stationary turrets to fire at the robot as it tries to escape them and reach the core before being destroyed. The same is true for robots that penetrate factories and cities with the purpose of destroying their defensive devices.

  • US TurboGrafx CD game in white jewel case with Japanese style artwork translated into English
  • Bonus CD of the notably jazzy soundtrack

$24.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup)
$14.95 ea. replacement case (art & case)

$34.95 ea. reproduction (art, case & backup) S&H incl. to Canada
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